Indoctrination Into The Blogosphere

At long last, I have decided to give blogging a whirl.  I don’t know the exact reason just yet.  My writing has long been an escape for me and a way to get things off of my chest without having to resort to being open and verbal, which is not a strong suit for me.  A ton of that writing never saw the light of day while the paper (or keyboard) simply served as my sounding board.

On occasion, I would post my thoughts on Facebook or through an email to a friend.  Those were generally met with positive feedback and I found myself becoming more confident in my ramblings.  Confidence can sometimes push people to do crazy things and this for me would qualify.  I generally don’t intend to start debates or cause friction with people who don’t share my point of view but I am aware that making it all public now will likely do just that.  For that, I am prepared but not yet comfortable.  We’ll see how it goes.

In general, my thoughts that make it to the notepad are focused on the psychological workings of a strange, chaotic, sometimes childish mind. I’m happy to write about what I think is important in my life.  It may not be important to others but we have all taken a weird and winding journey to the present.  Maybe your journey has been parallel to mine.  Or maybe the different perspective can help the journey that appears to be bogged down.  Maybe a comment can change the way I think about it too.  Hell, there is also the possibility that nobody will ever read this blog and one day it will be opened up like a time capsule and people will finally understand why this crazy guy seemed like such an oddball.

Aside from the mental rubix cube that inspires me to write, I’m sure there will be time for some sports chat, music opinions or whatever.  I’m just going to take it day by day and see what happens.  This may turn into something very cathartic for me and others or it may fall flat.  There is only one way to find out and that is to give it a shot.  So, that’s why I’m here I suppose.  Maybe I’ll pick up some passengers on the journey.  I’m sure I’ll have others pulling the escape cord.  Either way, I’ll continue to be me.  I sincerely hope that somewhere along the way, you find something meaningful for you.  Here we go…..


7 thoughts on “Indoctrination Into The Blogosphere”

  1. Your words of wisdom are very cathartic for me to read. I often ponder the same thoughts. I will look forward to blogs.

  2. I have always enjoyed your self-expressions on Facebook and anywhere else I happen upon them. I think you have a lot to share with the world and those who plod through it. Our sermon Sunday concerned “rumination”. We were challenged to do more rumination of our own lives. I look forward to pondering life with you!

  3. Pumped to see what comes up my man – you’ve helped me a lot with some self discovery and some self realization – words can’t express my appreciation – can’t wait to see what comes out of all this

  4. Looking forward to this journey! I always enjoy your wise words…. except when you are Auburn bashing! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Joey,
    You always seem to hit the nail on the head with your thought processes and I swear you are snatching my own thoughts sometimes. It amazes me to think that sometimes we think we are sitting out here alone in our vulnerabilities and insecurities when in fact we are truly never alone. Thank you for jumping out there on that limb; we will not let you fall my friend!!! I am very excited to read your work and see how your blog evolves!!! Now get to writing!!! LOL!!! Hugs!

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