Pet Peeves – The New Batch

  I enjoyed putting together the previous list of pet peeves and have realized that there are even more things that get on my nerves.  That’s a bit ironic – I enjoy discussing things that annoy me.  Or maybe I enjoyed seeing others agree with me, I don’t know.  I guess I’m an old curmudgeon at this point in my life but I just don’t understand a lot of things that I see every day.  Maybe I’m guilty of these at some point and don’t even realize it, which would make me quite the hypocrite.  Although these are in part 2, they are no less annoying.  A couple of these were kind reminders in the comments on the first post that I agree with.  So without further ado, let’s jump back into the insanity.

  •  Parking Lot Sharks – We all know this one.  I experience it quite often as an avid Publix customer.  This one didn’t bug me so much before I had kids but now it’s more noticeable.  You see the cars slowly rolling up and down the parking aisles waiting on someone to get in their car so they can have that close spot.  Sometimes they’ll pull up behind you and creep along your backside to see if you might be their mark.  If you walk too far, they’ll go ahead and pass but if you are close to the store, they’ll slam the brakes and throw that blinker on.  Doesn’t matter if you have a cart full of groceries and a baby that has to go in a car seat, they’ll wait…staring….holding up cars behind them that are getting impatient.  All just waiting on you.  No rush.  My new strategy is to walk past my truck a couple of spaces and then turn back to it.  They are already too far to put it in reverse.  I know….I can be an a-hole too.  
  • People that take up two parking spots – While on the subject of parking lots, this one is a must.  I see it alllll the time.  I drive a larger vehicle that is sometimes hard to park.  An open space doesn’t always mean I can park there.  This one can happen two different ways.  First, the car is already parked in two spaces meaning that you have to go further to find a less encumbered spot.  Secondly, it can happen after you have already parked, making your exit a nightmare.  I don’t always get it right but I always look at my spot and see if an adjustment needs to be made before I go in the store.  I’m not above re-parking to get it right, or make Alicia happy.  
  • Restaurants being out of something – While this one bugs me, it REALLY bugs Alicia.  It happens to her more than anyone I know.  We love B Dub’s but we don’t even go there on Sunday nights anymore because we had a bad run with them being low on supplies.  Even ketchup one night.  Apparantly, the deliveries come on Monday morning.  But even worse is when you are craving something.  One local restaurant spoiled us with fried green tomatoes and the next three times we went, they were out.  That last time, we didn’t even stay.  We asked up front and bailed.  You should never run out of A-1 at a steak house, ketchup at a burger joint or napkins at any place.  It’s aggravating enough when you run out at your own house.
  • Rude drive thru – I get that this may not be the most fun job in America but you are getting paid to do it.  Learn what Thank You and Your Welcome are and you’re pretty much home free.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone through a drive thru and never heard a word from the window.  Nothing.  I’m not here for the unmatched service but give me some effort.
  • Clueless shoppers – Ok, back to my Publix obsession.  I’m there almost daily.  I’ve come to know the store like the back of my hand.  Maybe I have more exposure to this issue because of my level of visits.  The scene is always the same though.  Cart in the middle of the aisle, customer looking for something and a traffic jam behind them.  Some people catch on and slide over and then some just stay put and keep looking.  Don’t mind us, we’re on your schedule.  Take your time, they didn’t make these aisles wide enough for two carts for a reason.  Nevermind that what you’re looking for is probably right in front of you.  I guess your lucky it’s not a poisonous snake.  There’s really only one way to handle those shoppers.  
  • Price checkers – I get this one sometimes.  In some cases, that sale item was supposed to be $5 or $10 cheaper.  The ones that get me are the .10 or .50 arguments.  They happen, trust me.  “Wait, that apple juice was supposed to be 3.99, not 4.49.  I don’t care if I had 80 items, I need you to send someone back to aisle 2 and check my memory.  Take your time though, I’m parked in the fire lane.”
  • Running out of OREO’s – This one I am guilty of too so I am voicing my displeasure and my disdain for my own shortcomings.  You go in the kitchen, have your mind set and headed to the OREO’s.  There they are – you open up that handy new peel back package.  There’s one left, or worse, it’s empty. There are few adjectives that can appropriately describe that empty feeling.  Depression, fear, outrage.  In a divorce, this should fall into the category “irreconcilable differences.”  Whoever left the package empty loses custody of the kids and house.  No need for mediation.  
  • Forgetting something at the grocery store – Last one about shopping, I promise.  Ever spend a good hour at the grocery store, get home and start working on supper, only to realize that you forgot that one major item?  Hamburger meat for the spaghetti?  Buns for the hotdogs? Seasoning for the chili?  That is rage inducing, I don’t care how close you live to the store.  Maybe if you didn’t have to dodge those parking lot sharks and aisle blockers you’d keep your wits about you while getting you list completed.
  • Litter Bugs – Come on dude.  You learned this when you were like 5.  Pick up your trash and throw it in the can. Don’t throw it out at 65 on the highway.  Don’t leave it on the table when there is a trash can right there.  Clutter up your house and yard all you want but don’t clutter up mine or public space.  Easy as that.  
  • Pack searchers – This one will be in the weeds for some of you.  As a brief background, there are two major types of sports cards you can buy – hobby and retail.  You get hobby at a card shop or online and you get retail at Target or Wal Mart.  Hobby is always better because they have more hits and shop owners don’t let their customers search.  There are YouTube videos dedicated to outing these scumbags.  Card companies have done a lot to try and combat it with their packaging but there are real dedicated toolbags out there that find a way.  They feel all of the packs in WalMart, bringing in scales and tiny magnets, all in hopes of finding that one pack that is a little different than the others.  Those are the ones with the hits.  I’m fine if you can eyeball a pack and see a difference but when you bring in your searching kit, you can get bent.  Next time you go to Target, look at an open box of cards and you’ll see that the entire inventory has been rifled through.  Then they turn around and sell them on EBay as guaranteed hits.  You’ve ruined retail for the general public.  Thanks asshats!  
  • Politicians – Timing is perfect for this one.  Elections are coming up and I’ve been watching various debates and trying to avoid the usual political ads.  These people really are the worst.  It should tell the entire political world something when Donald Trump is leading.  People are sick of your rhetoric, your catch phrases and your perfectly combed hair.  Marco Rubio looks like the little guy that got picked on growing up.  Ted Cruz looks like a human version of a terminator machine.  He talks with a cadence that never changes, only gets a little louder when making a point.  Trump just calls everybody an idiot and continually says things are a “disaster”.  Kasich is palatable but he’s so far behind, he’d need the other three to drop out.  And Ben Carson is just happy to still be invited to the debates.  He can’t even get anybody to notice him.  And God help us all if Hillary or the Socialist get the nod.  And just a little word of advice for the local hopefuls – Standing at a red light and waving at me at election time is not the way to get my vote.  It’s corny and insincere.  Don’t be like those jack legs in Washington. 
  • Fake outrage – While on the subject of politics and the like, can we all get a grip on ourselves and drop the BS anger about everything?  The Starbucks holiday cup, Mad Max with a female lead, Star Wars with a minority lead, The Oscars.  When will people realize that the media and Internet fuel all of this crap? A friend of mine always jumps to the lead on FB when these things come up.  He’s reminding everyone that something else is happening while we are distracted by Khloe Kardashian photoshopping a selfie.  Think about that for a minute.  A Kardashian photoshopped a selfie and social media actually stood still for this and it made the national news.  I’m angry at myself for even knowing this happened while I was living.  The world is going to hell in a hand basket and we’re appalled that someone who’s starved for media attention would dare alter an Instagram image of themselves.  The blue dress?  Rachel Dolezal?  The lipstick color named “under aged red”?  Come on people.  This is the result of giving participation trophies.  Some things in life just aren’t the way you want it and you’ve got to live with it.  
  • “What happened next” Facebook posts – These are becoming more and more prevalent and they really steam my potatoes.  It’s some strange video of a guy riding a tiger that has the caption, “He thought it was a normal day.  What happened next will leave you speechless.”  You think, I gotta check this out.  You click and 13 minutes into the video, you realize there isn’t even a tiger in this story.  This is looking more and more like an advertisement.  You bastards!  I now avoid all click bait.  If it’s legitimate, I’ll hear about it eventually.
  • NASCAR on Fox – It’s Sunday, I’m watching racing and I’m as annoyed as ever.  Darrell Waltrip starts us off with a stifling “Boogity, Boogity, Boogity” for the one millionth time.  Mike Joy continues to use his 1950’s one liners.  Now Jeff Gordon is in the booth to give us his take.  Larry Mac is “splainin” something to us in the garage with the cutaway car.  I’ve been taught what drafting and wedge and rear spoilers are for the hundredth time.  These guys are horrendous.  I’d rather hear Verne and Gary call a Bama/Florida game.  
  • Open Mouthed Chewers – This one was a Clem special but right on the money.  Now, I have been accused of being a loud chewer with potato chips and such.  Right, Alicia?  But I do try and keep my mouth closed when I eat.  During supper is not the time to launch into deep conversation.  Food goes in, mouth closes and you chew and swallow.  I don’t need to see what chewed up steak looks like before it goes down.  I have a pretty good idea of the characteristics of chewed food with two kids.  Every now and then, take a big swig of water too to wash down that potato skin stuck to your gums too.

Well, another batch of peeves are out there.  Maybe one day everyone will realize that I just don’t like much at all.  I’m starting to realize it more and more everyday.  As a matter of fact, I tabled at least 5 more during this post.  What say you?  Are these on your list?  


5 thoughts on “Pet Peeves – The New Batch”

  1. People that take up two parking spots with a car the size of a mini cooper have got to be some of the worst. If they need to take up two spots, park at the end of the parking lot by the road. Clueless shoppers are terrible as well, these are usually the “price checkers” memorizing the tags for later use at the cash register.

  2. Thank you for my chuckles this morning! I now know who DW is, bahahaha!!! I was almost afraid to ask and wracked my brain before making that comment but figured I could blame my blonde hair if I overlooked the completely obvious answer but I just let out a resounding “phew” when I saw you were referring to something in NASCAR…

    I absolutely love your sense of humor and these are pretty much spot on again although I have once or twice seen someone place the last bag in their trunk and waited for the spot. I will not wait long though and never hold up traffic… I will move on if they do not get in and move out fairly quickly!!! I am more fond of parking next to the cart corrals so I only get hit on one side of my car with dings from someone’s door.

  3. You didn’t mention the laziest of all peoples – the ones who do not return the shopping cart to the corral that is mere feet from them and block the few parking spaces with their discarded carts. You have to get out of your car to move the cart before you can pull in or risk scraping the side of your car because this health and exercise crazed nation cannot walk five more yards to properly store the cart!

  4. My favorite (gave me a good chuckle): In a divorce, this should fall into the category “irreconcilable differences.” Whoever left the package empty loses custody of the kids and house. No need for mediation.

    I TOTALLY agree with your section on the ‘what happens next’ posts on fb. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Diana, I’m with you… I didn’t know who “DW” was either and I saw your comment and his response on fb so I didn’t ask! HAHA!

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